DIVA DOES… Hey, I put some NEW SHOES on and suddenly everything is right

DIVA DOES… Hey, I put some NEW SHOES on and suddenly everything is right

Photo: SCB

Hot new heels are better than the best boyfriend.

They keep you lifted.  They make you feel sexy.  They support you.  And you are better with them, than on your own two feet.

There’s never any doubt you’re the right fit.

You’re always prepared for when they unintentionally hurt you in the beginning.

They like it when you walk all over them.

If you love them, you’ll invest in them and commit to the required maintenance.

And if you really love them, you’ll want to hold onto them years later – weathered and scuffed and nowhere near the original condition you met them in.

Let’s face it, there’s never any cold feet when you’ve found your sole-mate.