Yes, I know it’s a mouthful. Hear me out.
With Earth Day (April 22) around the corner, what better way to celebrate and show some love for Mother Earth than by using her healthy, pure and natural resources in a sustainable way.
Like the Absinthium plant.
The what plant?!
Absinthe is derived from botanicals including the flowers and leaves of the Artemisia Absinthium plant found in the regions of Eurasia and northern Africa. This derivitive is not just healthy for your skin but also sustainable for our environment. [EDITOR’S NOTE: And unlike absinthe in your cocktail, there are no hallucinogenic effects when not imbibed.]
Introducing the Absinthe Purifying Hand Collection for all skin types by The Body Shop! There is a hand butter, a hand cream (and a mini version), a hand gel and a hand wash. Between the butter and the cream, the difference is mainly texture. The hand cream is very lightweight whereas the hand butter is much thicker and therefore more intensely conditioning. It’s really a matter of the condition of your hands and the kind of healthy love they need.
The scent of the absinthe is an aromatic blend of anise and fennel with some fresh, cooling green herbal notes. Amazing for this time of year!
Check out The Body Shop’s new Absinthe line here.