DIVA DOES… Lions and Features and Videos OH MY

DIVA DOES… Lions and Features and Videos OH MY


Hair & Makeup means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. 

Some like messy undone hair and natural makeup.  Some want structured up-dos and pops of color.  And some aren’t satisfied until a bottle of hairspray gets put to use or unless an inch of makeup masks their silently suffocating skin. 

And still others just want to get it done with and get out of your chair.

These ‘others’ are usually boys.

In May, I did Hair & Makeup with CC for the video of the next Features single called Lions.  Only with boys, the industry often kindly refers to it as Male Grooming. 

To enhance the features of The Features, we lightly groomed away.  We moisturized and matted and trimmed and buzzed.  They each provided a nice palette to work with – so all went flawlessly, so to speak.

I must say they happen to be four really cool and really mellow guys who bring it on and turn it out when it’s showtime.  They are currently doing US gigs and recently toured Europe with Kings of Leon. 

CC & I absolutely LOVED the band, LOVED their music and LOVED knowing every word of Lions by day’s end.  After all, we heard it over and over on loop during our 9 hours on set.  And the next day we googled it to play for all our friends.

The video should be completed shortly, and you know I’ll be posting it here for you to check out (or, if I can’t figure out the technology required — which is very possible — I will provide a link at minimum).

Because there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you guys… “Not even lions could tear us apart.”

@ the shoot w/ CC for THE FEATURE’S new video: LIONS   (yes, it’s May… and yes, we were freezing!)