by Lexi Dietrich | Dec 1, 2015 | Makeup
Hey Divas!! As you ~*already know,*~ contouring has become a go-to in shaping the face, especially in the world of makeup. As much as I love the glammed-up look of Kim K., I’m more of a “casual contour” kind of gal. Here’s my how-to, featuring...
by Lauren Cosenza | Mar 19, 2013 | DIVA Does, DIVAlicious, Makeup, Skin |
I kept on coming across this image (above) while searching for references for another project. I could not find the source but it was eeeeeverywhere. I was so taken by its use of light and dark to sculpt the face. Whereas traditional contouring and highlighting...
by Lauren Cosenza | Oct 11, 2010 | DIVA Does, Makeup
I am a firm believer that whatever it is that you love you should never stop learning. Even if you’ve done 5,000 smoky eyes, it’s still worthwhile to see how another pro does it from time to time. You may pick up a new trick or two. Are there new...