by Lauren Cosenza | Jul 15, 2011 | DIVA Does, DIVAlicious, Fashion
File under So Bad It’s Good. Or maybe Just Plain Genius. But I effin LOVE ’em!!!!!!! For a mere $1,195 these babies could be yours… or mine!!
by Lauren Cosenza | Apr 22, 2011 | DIVA Does, DIVAlicious, Fashion
…I’d be ROCKIN’ these heels right about now. Alexander McQueen Peep-Toe Skull Pumps are one click away at Saks. Very tempting….
by Lauren Cosenza | Nov 7, 2008 | DIVA Does, DIVAlicious, Fashion
Photo: SCB Hot new heels are better than the best boyfriend. They keep you lifted. They make you feel sexy. They support you. And you are better with them, than on your own two feet. There’s never any doubt you’re the right fit....