Beauty HOT Seat: Mariel Fuchs

Beauty HOT Seat: Mariel Fuchs

Name: Mariel Fuchs

Profession: Beauty Educator / Writer


Beauty product every diva should have: No way can I pick one. Like choosing a child!

–>Light Pink lip gloss

–>Beige lipstick


–>Professional-grade tweezers

–>Lip Balm with SPF

–>Nail Oil

Beauty tool you can’t live without: Eyelash curler

Beauty buzzword we should know: Jughe “Pronounced jhughe” (that extra something something, usually in the form of glitter or sparkle)

Beauty icon you live for: Gia

Beauty tip or trick we’ll seriously love you for sharing: Spray hairspray on a clean, disposable mascara wand and go over your mascara for serious curl hold.


  1. Vanessa Lennon

    Love this Beauty and she always looks fabulous! 

  2. 2mjqie25biiw5

    Love this Beauty and she always looks fabulous!