Commandments Addendum – More on Leggings

Commandments Addendum – More on Leggings

In October of 2007, I wrote a post called The 10 Commandments of Leggings. It is still among the most clicked upon to this day. In fact, along with smoky eyes and hair straightening processes , it is a HUGE source of blog traffic. Every day women are typing in search words like Leggings & Heels or How to Wear Leggings and of course there was the sweet reader who wanted to know Are Leggings Appropriate for Church.

I’m thinking of showcasing some diva-approved leggings looks and posting – that is, if ever I get a spare moment… for now I’ll just add it to my growing list of blog promises that I don’t have a second to fulfill on. Like the empty promises of a fifth grader suggesting soda in the water fountain… except I really will get to it eventually. Really really.


Today I will be making a simple addendum to The Commandments.

This caveat is being added because it is often asked about AND as a new member of Equinox I am witness to it equally as often – like almost daily. 

(PS, did you all know that someone came across this blog by typing in ‘Divalicious Big Booty’… I mean, seriously – HOW did she know… good thing I joined the gym right?! ;) Gotta work on my fitness.)

Ok, I know the suspense is killing you, so here it is.


Gym pants are not leggings so they are not subject to legging rules; showcase that booty like Beyonce on tour.  BUT… but but but… if you are wearing thin leggings and PRETENDING they are activewear you betta reread those Commandments. In this instance, and many others in my humblest opinion, thin is not in. Like jeggings with backpockets and more substantial fabric, ass should only show if the fabric supports and contains it. Please don’t play like you didn’t realize the junk was spilling out the trunk. Two words: Un. Sightly.

And I promise you that’s coming from Divalicious Big Booty with love.