UNISEXXXY: Switch Gears (Closet Cleaning)

UNISEXXXY: Switch Gears (Closet Cleaning)

Yes! Spring is here. Though the weather and calendar are still at battle, it’s time to REVAMP!

Accompanied by life and wardrobe stylist (and personal shopper), David Sabater, watch me PURGE!

UNISEXXXY Closet Revamp. Take five… (easy steps, that is)

Step 1. Empty out. Stay on task… EMPTY EVERYTHING!

Step 2. Create piles. I always say the more detailed you are with anything in the beginning, the better off you are in the end.

  • Categorize and split classifications. Suggestions: sweaters, t-shirts, pants, jeans, sweats, shorts, swimwear and so on.
  • Separate items into season, color, fabric, length (pant or sleeve).
  • An example of more defined separation: crew neck t-shirts separate from v-neck or thick knit sweaters from lighter twill.

Step 3. Pick placement. Review your space on shelves and closets versus drawers. Map out a plan. And if space is too small (and sorta creating that anxiety), don’t fret. Pick the current season as your priority. The clothes not needed can be put in storage bins.

Step 4. Try on.

  • While placing clothes back in their designated locations, try on any clothes you question.
  • A simple questions guide: If you walked in a store, would you buy it today? Does it reflect your style? Is the color faded? Fabric torn? Exactly. Say your peace and part ways. Deuce.
  • (Note to self RE #3 above: Alicia Silverstone Clueless looks are ones to remember not wear.)
  • For those items not making this season’s cut: Toss. DonateSellTrade.

Step 5. Make new.

  • Consider an alteration. Possibly just some hemming or narrowing of the leg by your tailor will do the trick (and save you a ton of money over buying a new pair). Or you can take out the scissors and have your own way with it. There’s something cool about re-sizing old clothes of your own.

Now that your closet is clean, assess your shopping needs. But first, live like this for a few weeks to a month. Think about what you really need to buy to fill in any gaps or update your look.

I encourage you to spend time now before the weather and calendar are in sync and speaking to the same degree. Can you say purge party?

THE UNISEXXX® BRAND: a label stripped of all labels

UNISEXXXY: universal beauty fashion design lifestyle

