GIVEAWAY! Springtime Essentials

GIVEAWAY! Springtime Essentials

Membership has its privileges… 

And here’s the first!

It’s a Springtime Essentials mixed beauty bag that will be shipped to your doorstep to try and review…

Springtime Essentials included are:

TOTAL VALUE: $117.50

One current member of DIVAlicious will win by doing just 1 of the following:

  • tweeting @DIVAliciousBlog and including #DIVAPERKS and #GIVEAWAY in the tweet
  • clicking the facebook like button on the top right corner of this post
  • clicking the heart at the top left corner of this post

A winner will be selected at random by 5pm EST tomorrow 3/28/13.

NOTE FOR WINNER: Posting a follow-up review on the site is encouraged but totally optional. A review would just entail adding a picture of the goods (or you using/wearing them) to the PICS page. It could be as simple as a product snapshot and as elaborate as a fun collage showcasing before/afters, closeups, whatever your heart desires… Then in the photo description box, let us know what you thought of everything! Or maybe you had a favorite and just want to showcase that. Or a combo. It’s all up to you. Precisely why the site is set up as a community!


1 Comment

  1. Lauren Cosenza

    UPDATE: Thank you! This contest has officially closed as of 5pm. Winner will be announced Monday 4/1!