The Lettuces: Magic and Madness

The Lettuces: Magic and Madness

NOTE: This post was originally published on Instagram. I am reposting and backdating it here as part of a historical series in order to preserve these meaningful memories and early motherhood thoughts and experiences in a way that is not tied to any social media platform. This is something I’ve been wanting to do for some time. As we formally shelter in place in NYC, this project brings me happiness and a welcome break from the news. 🖤

Motherhood is all the magic and all the madness.


Equal parts that fulfill and amaze and push and challenge.

You watch as your little person grows too fast before your very eyes. Hardly realizing how much you’ve grown too. Sometimes you feel your tank is running low, and then they smile or laugh or fall asleep in your arms, or toddle over just to give you a kiss and hug, and instantly you’re full again. The power of their joy and innocence and sweetness and spirit and beauty overwhelms you.

Still being a mom is the greatest responsibility and every day might bring its own special form of chaos or scare or exhaustion. And you prove over and over (mostly to yourself) how capable you are to guide and support and lift and love.

And you wake up with them in a bed you once comfortably shared with just your partner, because they are standing up pointing at you exclaiming “mommy and daddy, daddy and mommy!”, because what could be better or happier or more fun than your little family, and you all squeeze each other and hold tight the moment. Which will pass too quickly.

Motherhood is the greatest gift. Both the wonder and the struggle are gifts. I know I am the luckiest.

Javier Ryder, I don’t understand how my little heart is big or strong enough for the endless, deep and pure love I have for you. But every day it beats: “BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!” ❤️

#mama #babylettuce #thelettuces #mothersday #thisisus

Originally posted on May 12, 2019

NOTE: This post is not sponsored. All thoughts are unbiased and my own. All photos and content are property of Lauren Cosenza Beauty LLC.

Lauren Cosenza consults for top brands, websites, and magazines and serves as a trusted beauty/fashion/mom expert, a brand ambassador, an on-camera personality and spokesperson, a creative director, a published editorial contributor and writer, the creator and owner of DIVAlicious®, the creator and owner of BEAUTYfull®, a product junkie and an insatiable beauty and style seeker — with a former life at Cosmopolitan, Shape and Bustle/BDG brands. She currently runs Señor Lechuga Hot Sauce with her husband and baby boy as the Co-Founder + Head of Brand.