Fashion. Accessories. Grooming. Gadgets.
Keeping up with the trends? We’re all guilty.
The latest: a trend you blend.
Because eating trendy no longer just means hitting the food trucks or the nearest froyo shop. Eating trendy is now happening at home.
Of course, it’s the in-thing, but for all of the right reasons!
So say hello to my little friend. The NUTRiBULLET!
Easy to use. Easy to clean. Quick. Portable. Affordable.
The blends are not only fun to make and experiment with, they’re also extremely healthy and — you guessed it — absolutely D*Lish!
Unlike most blenders, juicers, smoothie-makers, and similar products, the NutriBullet gives consumers total nutrition in a quick and easy way at an incredible value!
- Through the power of extraction, the NutriBullet pulls out every bit of nutritional value into a smooth fluid easily absorbed by the body.
- All its parts are a cinch to rinse and clean. Seriously.
- And retailing for $100 at Bed, Bath & Beyond, it’s the price of 10 or 11 pressed juices at your fancypants neighborhood juice bar. (Since you’ll be making countless creations, the cost per cup becomes practically free!)
Here are some excellent recipes from NutriBullet…
The NutriBullet lifestyle is all about pure, raw nourishment. So you no longer have to contemplate whether something just looks good and seems healthy.
Oh and might I say, added bonus: it’s summer-diet-friendly. Can you say #unisexxxy?!
UNISEXXXY: universal beauty fashion design lifestyle
UNISEXXX™: a label stripped of all labels.