UNISEXXXY: Visual Intoxication

UNISEXXXY: Visual Intoxication

We all have our sensory delights.

What tickles your baby toe? As in…What. Do. You. Fancy. What gets your mind going… The senses tingling… Aroused.

As a highly visual person, color does it for me! 

Expressed through my artistry. Always in my fashion and style selections. Any excuse to indulge and play with color. Language and communication resonate with me, too. Attitude. Accents. Always.

Inspired by LC’s post Rosé All Day – and Head to Toe I couldn’t wait till the next DIVA team meeting, LC dropped a hint that a bottle was up for grabs! And I had my eye on the one that looked like royalty.

Enter Chop Shop wine bottle. Sharply Dressed. Regal As Ever.


Photo Credit: Lauren Cosenza

I hadn’t even cracked open the bottle of wine but I was already feeling intoxicated. Ready to uncork my creativity!

Feeling fierce. Even the word CHOP got me revved up. As in, chop to it. Let’s go.

The challenge: create a beauty/fashion look inspired by this bottle of wine. 2015-11-25 20.05.582015-11-25 20.09.58

2015-11-25 20.07.06

Armani power suit. Check!

Burberry button down. Pattern resembles the design on the Chop Shop label. Check!

Shades of purple argyle socks. Check!

Time to put on my game face…. Clearly, who better than Miss Lauren Cosenza to paint on the complimentary cosmetics.

2015-11-25 20.10.462015-11-25 20.07.09

How’s that for a color buzz?! I know… QUTE!

Gotta Give Good Face.

It’s one element of style you can change infinite times and it’s always maturing! Or like they say about wine, it’s always aging… Yet never looks old to you. <wink>

What do you say?? I think I earned my chops here.


THE UNISEXXX® BRAND: a label stripped of all labels

UNISEXXXY: universal beauty fashion design lifestyle



NOTE: This post is not sponsored. All thoughts are unbiased and my own. Photos are property of DIVAlicious.

2015-11-25 20.07.27


  1. Denise

    Love it!

    • Paul Christopher

      Thanks Denise! :) xxx,PC

  2. Paul Christopher

    Thank you ;) I say fantaseyez…werk it!

  3. Paul Christopher

    Thank you ;) I say fantaseyez…werk it!